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Growth enhancer for stony corals and giant clams   

  • contains iodine, molybdenum, barium, lithium and other trace elements
  • important for stony corals and giant clams
  • essential for a thriving aquarium and good stony coral growth
  • free of phosphate, low iron concentration – does not increase growth of filamentous algae

KORALvit B contains iodine, molybdenum, barium, lithium and other trace elements that are essential for calcifying organisms like stony corals, giant clams and coralline algae. These substances constantly get lost due to natural consumption. The combination of this product with KORALvit Combi makes the ideal trace element supply for stony coral tanks.


No. 1002 - dosing bottle 250 ml
No. 1012 - dosing bottle 500 ml
No. 1032 - canister 5000 ml

Meer info : http://knopshop.de/portal/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

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Foto van de maand

Centropyge Foto Tanne Hoff

Een koppel Rainfordia opercularis in het kweekaquarium van De Jong Marinelife tijdens het bezoek van het ReefSecrets-team in april 2012

Foto: Patrick Scholberg