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Vortech MP60

Vortech MP60

The Vortech MP60 water pump is a new device from Ecotech Marine which is specifically designed for use on the very largest of private reef aquariums. Although the Vortech MP60 is rated for 5500 gallons per hour, there something about the force of it which we can personally tell you equates to way more water movement than two, 3kgph Vortech MP40 pumps, or other similarly rated propeller pumps. Not everyone has the opportunity of slapping one of these power prop pumps on a ten foot reef tank, but at least the video above should give you some indication of how much the Vortech MP60 owns the 80-90 gallon demonstration tank that Ecotech Marine brought to Orlando last week. Be sure to check the full specification of the Vortech MP60 and our initial post comparing the beta version of the Vortech MP60 to betas of it’s predecessors.

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Foto van de maand

Centropyge Foto Tanne Hoff

Een koppel Rainfordia opercularis in het kweekaquarium van De Jong Marinelife tijdens het bezoek van het ReefSecrets-team in april 2012

Foto: Patrick Scholberg